Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hello Spring!

Čudovit sonček, po dolgih sivih dnevih v Kopenhagnu. Pomlad, pridi, hitro! :)

“When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems.” 
 ― Ernest Hemingway

Ker sem pred tednom ali dvema že želela prehiteti pomlad, mi je Bastian kupil čebulico rože, posajeno. Vsak dan sva jo gledala kot majhnega otroka, kako je rastla in kako se je razvil prvi cvet, pa potem drugi. Vsak dan je zdaj pri nama pomlad :) Če je še sonček zunaj pa sploh. Hitiva ven, preden se sonce skrije in se bova spet samo pretvarjala... :)

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Because I wanted spring to come early a week ago, Bastian bouthg me a flower bulb. We watched it every day like it was a small child. We watched it grow and develop the first blossom, and then the second one. Now we have spring every day :) And even more so if there is sun outside. We are running out now before the sun goes away and we will be only pretending again… :)

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