Friday, August 26, 2016

Amazing restaurant Veduta Bernardin, Slovenia

I was never a big fan of seafood. When I was little, my mom was usually quite upset when we went to a restaurant at the seaside. Everyone at the table ordered something sea-like, at least the seafood pizza if not a fish or calamari. I on the other hand wasn’t much of an experimenter so I simply went with the Wiener Schnitzel and fries (and I’m not even such a meat eater, haha).

I’ve grown up a bit since, but I’m still not a big seafood fan. However, every now and then I let myself be seduced by the things I usually don’t really like. This is how I got to eat the best calamari ever during the holidays at the Slovene seaside with my boyfriend.

Morska hrana nikoli ni bila moja najljubša hrana. Ko sem bila mlajša, se je moja mama na morju pogosto jezila, ko smo šli v restavracijo. Vsi so naročili nekaj morskega, vsaj morsko pico, če ne rib ali kalamarov. Jaz pa nisem želela biti razočarana in sem enostavno naročila preizkušen dunajski zrezek s pomfrijem (pa sploh nisem neki strastni mesojedec, haha).

Zdaj sem malo večja, ampak še vedno nisem velik ljubitelj morske hrane. Vsake toliko pa se vendarle rada pustim presenetiti. Tako sem med počitnicami s svojim dragim na slovenski Obali jedla najboljše kalamare ever.

Restaurant Veduta in Bernardin, just a few steps away from Piran and hidden from the hustle and bustle of Portorož, treated us really great, not only with the great food and impeccable service but also with the beautiful location, overseeing the sea and offering us the much needed shade in the hot lunch-time.

We hit it of with the seafood tris. On a beautifully prepared plate, we had quite a few bites of delicious octopus, enjoyed the tuna spread and mixed it up with sardines with pine nuts, onions and raisins. A blend of sweet and salty, creamy and slightly crunchy. A bit of olive oil and lemon juice to make it just perfect and voilà!
Restavracija Veduta v Bernardinu, ki je samo korak stran od Pirana in hkrati skrita pred bučnim Portorožem, naju je res odlično pogostila. Ne samo z odlično hrano in super strežbo, temveč tudi s čudovito lokacijo z morjem v ozadju ter senco, ki sva jo v tem vročem času za kosilo še kako potrebovala.

Začela sva z morskim trisom. Na lepo pripravljenem krožniku sva imela okusno hobotnico, tunin namaz in sardine s pinjolami, čebulo in rozinami. Čudovita mešanica sladkega in slanega, kremnega in hrustljavega. Še malo olivnega olja in limoninega soka in voilà!

The main dish? One word: calamari. I’ve never had my very own plate of calamari in my life. This time, the owner of the restaurant offered us a mix of grilled and fried calamari with fries. The smell of salt in the air, the hot weather and a bit of wind in my hair made me realize I felt ready to indulge into the sea atmosphere and take a leap of faith. It was amazing!

Glavna jed? Z eno besedo: kalamari. Priznati moram, da še nikoli v življenju nisem imela čisto svojega krožnika kalamarov. Tokrat nama je prijazni lastnik restavracije ponudil mešanico ocvrtih kalamarov in kalamarov na žaru s pomfirjem. Vonj soli v zraku, vroče vreme in malo vetra v laseh so me spodbudili k tej morski spontanosti in zaupala sem lastniku restavracije. Kalamari so bili odlični!

When you are at the Slovenian seaside, it is sometimes difficult to decide which restaurant to go to. They often seem rather similar to each other so at the end it is not just the meal that convinces you.

Great food aside, our lunch in Veduta was a very pleasant experience. From the moment we arrived, we felt as if we came to a friend’s house. The owner has welcomed us very warmly and discussed our wishes with us. The staff was very kind too and always served us with a smile. We will sure come back the next time we’re around. I think I’ll try one of their delicious seafood risottos then…

Ko prideš na slovensko Obalo, se je včasih kar težko odločiti, katero restavracijo izbrati. Pogosto vse ponujajo precej podobno ponudbo, tako da na koncu ni samo hrana, ki pomaga pri odločitvi.

Če o odlični hrani sploh ne govorim, je bilo najino kosilo v Veduti res zelo prijetna izkušnja. Od trenutka, ko sva vstopila v restavracijo, se nama je zdelo, kot da bi prišla v hišo prijatelja. Lastnik naju je toplo sprejel in se pogovoril o najinih željah za kosilo. Osebje je bilo prav tako zelo prijazno in naju je vedno postreglo z nasmehom. Zagotovo se bova oglasila naslednjič, ko greva na Obalo. Mislim, da bom takrat poskusila eno izmed slastnih morskih rižot…

Veduta Bernardin
Address: Bernardinska Reber 5a, 6320 Portorož, Slovenia
Webpage: http://www.veduta-bernardin.si/

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Holidays in Slovenia

Going back home is always too good and too short. There are way too many things to do and especially way too many people you’d like to spend the time with. Since it’s Slovenia I’m talking about here, with its beautiful capital Ljubljana, endless picturesque spots and the gorgeous seaside just an hour away, spending a week or two there never seems enough.

Many of you have been asking me for the tips about what to see, where to go and where to stay. With my Réda we finally managed to do some sightseeing, spend some time at the seaside and discovered Ljubljana through a different angle. Stay tuned for a series of articles on Slovenia <3

PS: Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more photos ;) @katieskite
Počitnice doma so vedno predobre in prekratke. Enostavno preveč stvari je, ki se jih veselim, predvsem pa enostavno preveč ljudi, s katerimi želim preživeti čas. Glede na to, da govorim o Sloveniji s čudovitim glavnim mestom, neštetimi slikovitimi lokacijami in lepo obalo na dosegu roke, je jasno, da se teden ali dva nikoli ne zdita dovolj.

Veliko mojih tujih prijateljev in sledilcev me sprašuje za nasvete, kaj obiskati v Sloveniji, kam iti in kje se nastaniti. Z Rédo sva si končno vzela čas za potepanje, preživela nekaj časa na Obali in odkrila Ljubljano z drugačne perspektive. Pripravljam serijo zapisov o Sloveniji, stay tuned <3

PS: Ne pozabi na moj Instagram za več fotk ;) @katieskite

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Best coffee in Bordeaux - Najboljša kava v francoskem Bordeauxju

Bordeaux wasn’t my love at first sight. Arriving at the train station with lots of construction works and taking a walk to the city centre didn’t impress me much at the beginning. But right when I found myself in the little streets of the old city centre, it became a nice sunny summer getaway. Once I stepped in the cosy SIP, the best coffee place in town, I knew I was charmed.

V Bordeaux se nisem zaljubila na prvi pogled. Po prihodu na železniško postajo, polno prahu in gradbenih del, in sprehodu do centra mesta, nisem bila preveč navdušena. Ko pa sem se končno znašla na ozkih ulicah starega mestnega jedra, se je Bordeaux spremenil v simpatičen poletni izlet. Ko sem stopila v SIP, najboljšo kavarno v mestu, sem bila očarana.

Just a step away from the City Hall and the beautiful Bordeaux Cathedral, this café couldn’t be better placed. Hidden from the hustle and bustle of a big city and all the tourists, it makes the perfect spot to chill, talk and enjoy.

Lokacija te kavarne ne bi mogla biti boljša – samo par korakov stran od mestne hiše in čudovite bordojske katedrale. Skrita je od živahnosti glavnega trga in turistov, kar jo naredi res simpatično za pogovor, počitek in uživanje.

Their homemade cakes look so great it is difficult to resist them all. Even more, the way they showcase them is simply beautiful. The attention to details in this coffee place made the biggest impression on me. Everything has its place and yet doesn’t look superficial. Little objects all around make the place very unique, be it beautiful dry flowers on the tables or a pile of magazines and books that nonchalantly sit on the counter. My favourite? The water fountain! I have never seen a more beautiful one!

Njihove doma narejene torte izgledajo tako dobro, da se jim je težko upreti. Poleg tega jih razstavijo na čudovit način z uporabo različnih podstavkov za torte, ki v raznolikih velikostih, višinah in barvah krasijo kavni pult. Pozornost za detajle v tej kavarni je name naredila največji vtis. Vse ima svoje mesto, ampak ne dá občutka prevelike organiziranosti. Majhni predmeti vsepovsod naredijo to kavarno res posebno. Posušene rože na mizah, kup revij in knjig, ki nonšalantno sedi na kavnem pultu… Moj najljubši del? Vodna fontana

Last but not least, the staff is very nice. They took the time to talk to me about their special coffees, the way they prepare them, and the cake master even gave away a little recipe secret for the carrot cake I simply adored! When I come back to Bordeaux, this will be the first place I will go to before heading for the Mirroir d’eau, Stone Bridge or some wine testing.

Nenezadnje - osebje kavarne je res simpatično. Vzeli so si čas za pogovor o njihovih posebnih vrstah kave in načinu priprave. Mojster tort mi je celo zaupal mini nasvet za pripravo korenčkove torte, ki je bila moja najljubša. Ko se naslednjič vrnem v Bordeaux, bom najprej spila kavo v tej luštni kavarni, preden se odpravim do Vodnega ogledala (Mirroir d’eau), Kamnitega mosta ali na pokušanje vin.

SIP Coffee Bar
Address: 69 Bis Rue des Trois-Conils, 33000 Bordeaux
Tramway: B, Hotel de Ville
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SIPCOFFEEBAR.fr/